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Ipomoea, genus of about 500 mostly warm-climate trees, shrubs, and twining and trailing herbaceous plants of the family Convolvulaceae. Several species are known as morning glories and are cultivated as ornamental plants for their attractive flowers. The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is an important food crop.


Members of the genus Ipomoea usually have simple leaves, the margins of which may be entire, lobed, or divided, depending on the species. The trumpet- or funnel-shaped flowers are commonly borne in the axils of the leaves and are variable in size and colour. The fruit is a capsule and usually contains 4–6 seeds.


One of the largest-flowering ipomoeas is the moonflower (tropical white morning glory; I. alba), a rampant perennial climber with 15-cm (6-inch) white, fragrant, night-blooming flowers. It contains a milky juice used for coagulating Castilla rubber.

Lavender Moonflower

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